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Unit 6A Glossary

BTEC Level 3 Business Studies. Unit 6: Principles of Management

Attributes of leadership - inspiring, empowering, energising, influencing stakeholders, envisioning, determining the best route to success

Behavioural theories - An approach to human resource management that considers the individual behaviours of people at work.

Business culture - The norms, values, and beliefs that are held by staff in a particular business

Contingency theories - The view that different leadership styles are best suited to different situations

Controlling - Being aware of the activities of staff and who is underperforming and ensuring that they complete their part of the team responsibilities to ensure overall objectives are met.

Coordinating - Getting different functions of an organisation to work together to achieve common goals.

Delegating - giving managers and employees the power to run things and make decisions

Determining best route to success - The role of a leader to understanding the roles and activities that are required to achieve goals.

Empowering - A leadership trait which gives someone power and confidence

Energising - A leadership trait which brings positivity and enjoyment to their team.

Envisioning - A leadership trait that shows a good awareness of the strengths of the organisation and its teams and can set realistic and achievable future goals that will drive the organisation forward.

Factors that influence culture - Vision, mission, traditions, policies and procedures, equality, diversity and inclusion, leadership and management styles and recruitment.

Fayol - He set out five key skills that good managers perform on a daily basis to get the most out of their teams. These are planning, organising, coordinating, commanding and controlling.

Functions of management - Planning, organising, controlling, co-ordinating and commanding

Handy - He identified four types of organisational culture power, task, person and role

Hofstede - He identified 6 dimensions to an organisational culture; power distance index, individualism v collectivism, masculinity v femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long term v short term and indulgence v restraint.

Influencing stakeholders - A leadership communication trait which gains support of different groups of people affected by the business actions

Inspiring - A leadership quality where staff are encouraged to want to do something Johnson and

Scholes - They identified 6 categories of assumption made within an organisational culture; routines, stories, symbols, power structures, organisational structures and control systems

Leadership - The act of inspiring individuals and groups to achieve significant goals

Leadership continuum for management behaviour - A scale used to analyse leadership by how leader or subordinate centred their style is

Leadership traits - Behaviors and attitudes of leaders that help them achieve organisational goals

Management - Organising and supervising the work of others so that their tasks be accomplished quickly and effectively

Managerial Grid Model - A theory that managers have two behaviours, concern for the task and concern for people's wellbeing.

Monitoring - Observing the activities of subordinates so that feedback can be given Organising - Arranging staff, physical and financial resources in a way that most effectively achieves the team goals.

Planning - Setting goals for the future and deciding on the most appropriate course of action in order for those goals to be achieved.

Role theory - the way in which people perceive their own role and the role of others. At work this relates to how work and responsibility is split amongst employees and managers.

Schein - He identified 3 levels of organisational culture, basic assumptions. espoused values and artifacts

Situational theory - The view that a leader should be able to adapt their leadership style depending on the context

Taylor - He believed that people intrinsically avoid work and are only motivated by pay.

Traits and qualities - Characteristics of a person

Transactional leadership theory - A leadership style that embraces rules, procedures and short-term targets

Transformational leadership theory - Where leaders work with their teams to identify the changes needed and create visions for those changes

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