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BTEC Level 3 Business Studies. Unit 7: Business Decision Making

Break-even chart - A graphical representation of total costs, total revenue and the break-even point.

Break-even point - The level of output at which total costs equal total revenue.

Cash flow forecast - A prediction of the inflows and outflows of a business across a period of time in the future.

Closing balance - Net cash flow + opening balance

Closing stock - Unsold inventories left at the end of the trading period that will be carried over as opening stock in the next.

Cost of goods sold - The cost of the inventory that was sold during a trading period.

Current assets - Items that add value to a business which can or will be converted into cash within one year.

Current liabilities - Debts of the business that must be paid within 12 months.

Dividends - Sums of money paid to shareholders out of profits after a proportion has been reinvested.

Expenses - Costs that are not directly related to production but are necessary for the operation of the business.

Financial forecasts - Projections of estimated revenues, expenditures, profits and losses in the future.

Fixed cost line - The horizontal line representing costs that do not vary with output such as rent and salaries.

Gross profit = Revenue - cost of goods sold

Income statement - A document produced by a business to record revenues, costs, profits and losses over a period of time.

Inflows - Money coming into the business from sources such as cash sales, credit sales and loans.

Margin of safety - The difference between actual output and the break-even point.

Net assets - The sum of everything the business owns minus everything it owes.

Net cash flow = Inflows - outflows

Net profit = Gross profit - expenses

Non-current assets - Items owned by the business that are not easily turned into cash and therefore will not be converted into cash within an accounting year.

Non-current liabilities - The value of debts of the business that will be payable after more than one year.

Opening balance - closing balance of previous month. For a new business, opening balance may be zero unless otherwise stated.

Opening stock - Inventories that the organisation has at the start of the trading period, carried over from the previous trading period.

Ouflows - Money leaving the business

Purchases - Inventories bought during a trading period.

Retained profit - The amount of a businesses profits that are reinvested instead of distributed to shareholders.

Sales forecast - Estimates of future revenue by anticipating how much product or service a business will sell.

Sales revenue - The money received from selling goods and services. (P X Q)

Statement of financial position - A document that reports a snapshot of a firms financial position including asset and liability values on a specific day.

Total cost line - The line that represents fixed costs + variable costs

Total revenue line - The line that represents price x quantity

Variable costs - Costs that change when output changes for example raw materials and packaging costs.

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