A2 Organisations Involved in International Trade

Exporting organisations are firms that sell goods and services to buyers in other countries

Importing organisations are firms and individuals that buy goods and services from sellers in other countries

Multinational organisations are firms that produce and sell products in more than one country. They may locate their head office, manufacturing, R&D and sales in different locations based on the benefits that location has on that activity. For example, manufacturing may be located in a country with cheaper labour and sales may be located in countries with larger markets.

Associated organisations are organisations that support with aspects of international trade such as marketing and logistics. (Logistics are those activities that focus on getting the right amount of the right products to the right place at the right time at the lowest possible cost)

Government agencies are departments within the government who oversee the implementation of legislation within an economy. For example, in the Uk, The Department for International Trade oversee importing and exporting activities into and out of the UK.


A2 Choice of Markets


Unit 5A Glossary