
Your Business Room is an evolving student resource site created by InContext Education. Each unit on the level 3 BTEC Business Studies and Enterprise and Entrepreneurship courses have their own page with unit content, definitions, relevant videos and quizzes. More content is added each week based on the most popular units.

It is targeted at students of BTEC Business Studies and aims to provide a good grounding in learning content whilst providing useful links to industry examples. The author of this site, Rebecca Gossage, has over 13 years of experience teaching BTEC Business Studies in UK and Hong Kong schools.

Members can access a wide range of reference material to support BTEC Business Studies students in their coursework.

Thanks to a wide variety of industry links, Your Business Room is a growing resource.

Tanya Bennett (Pirate) - Hong Kong based illustrator

Sonya Yeung - Events Coordinator

Libby Alexander and Kat Nguyen - Splash Foundation

Simon Squibb

Deepa Nainani and Neerja Sujanani

Jeff Rotmeyer - ImpactHK

Seb Buddle