
A Investigate Training and Development in a Selected Business

Training - the acquisition of skills, knowledge and competencies as a result of teaching.

Development - teaching staff how to become more productive and effective.

Skills - The ability to do something well, usually gained through training or experience

Knowledge - The understanding of facts and information

Competencies - Set of behaviors encompassing skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal attributes that are critical to successful work accomplishment.

Teaching - interactive process that promotes learning

Productive - Achieving a high output in comparison to input

Effective - successful in producing a desired or intended result

Business objectives - The aims or targets that a business works towards.

Strategic objectives - Long term goals in line with a companies mission and vision

Operational objectives - specific, focused targets of the operations management function within an organisation

Increase profit - A business objective to increase the amount of money available in a business after costs have been paid

Increase turnover - A business objective to increase the money received from sales

Market leader - the best-selling product or brand in a market

Increase productivity - A business objective to increase the output in comparison to inputs

Introduce new technology - A business objective to improve the machinery and equipment used to support the human function in the business

Improve health and safety - A business objective to physical risks to staff and customers satisfy government

Legislation - A government objective to ensure all business activity does not breach legal expectations

Create a more flexible workforce - A business objective to manage staff in a way that they can more easily switch between roles

Succession training for promotion - Providing opportunities to staff to learn the skills and knowledge required to move up the hierarchy

Improve job performance - A business objective to increase the competence of staff

Improve motivation - A business objective to improve morale of staff with the aim of productivity improving

Departmental objectives - specific goal/target for each department to meet; example: marketing, sales, human resources.

Meet sales targets - A departmental objective specific to the sales department to sell the expected number of products

Improve customer service - A departmental objective which aims to ensure that customer expectations are met

Individual objectives - Goals and targets set for one employee which should be in line with organisational objectives

Training to prepare for change - Giving staff the knowledge of future changes and the skills to deal with those changes

Training for new job role - Giving staff the skills and knowledge to begin a new job and become productive and effective as quickly as possible

Training for new equipment - Giving staff the skills and knowledge to use new equipment safety and effectively

Training for new procedures - Giving staff the skills and knowledge to follow new procedures introduced

Training for new products and/or services - Giving staff the skills and knowledge to make and sell new products or services

Training for new technology - Giving staff the skills and knowledge to use new technology, e.g. in the production process or new communication software

Training for a new range of customers - Giving staff the skills and knowledge on how to communicate with new customers, e.g. understanding their cultures, trends etc

Training needs analysis (TNA) - A review of an organisation's training and skill level with an aim to identify any gaps

Training and learning needs analysis (TLNA) - A review of an organisation's training, skill level and knowledge held by employees

Skill level of staff - The level of competence in the relevant skills held by staff

Skill gaps - The difference between the skill level of staff and the desired skill level of staff

Knowledge gaps - The difference between the level of relevant knowledge of staff and the desired knowledge level of staff

New skills - Skills not previously held by staff in the organisation

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A3 Identification of training needs