B2 Aims and Objectives

The Private Sector consists of all organisations run by private individuals and companies rather than by the government. usually to make a profit.

Typical private sector aims - Making profits, profit maximisation, break-even, survival, growth, market leadership

The public sector consists of all organisations set up and run by the government. Usually for the welfare of the citizens and to improve the economy.

Typical public sector aims - service provision, cost-control, value for money, service quality, meeting government standards

Not-for-profit organisations are set up and run by individuals or groups but without the intention to make a profit. They can generate revenue but any money left after costs is referred to as a surplus and used to further social causes.

Typical not-for-profit aims - Education, housing, alleviating poverty, healthcare

Aims and Objectives Case Study

Libby and Kat from The Splash Foundation discuss their aims and objectives



B1 Functional Areas