C1 Definition and Purpose of Shareholder Ratios

Dividend per share gives a value of the dividend payments distributed per shares held by shareholders in each financial year. This ratio can help investors make a judgement on the return on their investment.  It is calculated using the following formula;

Total dividends paid / total number of shares held by shareholders

Dividend yield gives a value of dividend payments distributed to shareholders in comparison to share price. It is calculated using the following formula;

Dividend amount per share / share price

Earnings per share compares the value of a company’s net profit to the number of shares issued. It is calculated using the following formula;

Net profit / total number of shares held by shareholders

The dividend cover ratio measures how many times a company can pay its dividends to shareholders. It is calculated using the following formula;

Net profit / dividend amount declared

The price/earnings ratio compares the price per share to the earnings per share. It helps investors judge the likely return they will receive for their investments. It is calculated using the following formula;

Market price per share / earnings per share

Gearing ratio compares the owners equity to long term borrowing by measuring the proportion of invested capital made up of borrowing. It is calculated using the following formula;

(Long-term liabilities / capital employed) x 100


C3 Merits of Shareholder Ratios