Unit 7C Glossary

BTEC Level 3 Business Studies. Unit 7: Business Decision Making

7Ps - Product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, process

Back data - Data generated in the past that may help making future predictions.

Competitor analysis - The practise of identifying rivals and potential rivals and understanding their strengths and weaknesses

Competitor location - The place or places in which rival businesses conduct their operations.

Consumer reviews - Public reflections customers communicate about their experience with a business and their products.

Economic trends - The overall direction of inflation, balance of payments, interest rates and exchange rates

Focus groups - Gathering a group of people to discuss a brand, its products or other strategies and observing the outcome of that conversation.

Government data - Data collected and communicated by the government such as census data.

Industry reports - Information about trends, product performance and predictions in a specific market that have been communicated in a formal document.

Interview - A face-to-face, telephone or online conversation to gather information from a respondent.

Market trends - The direction in which consumer tastes, interests and preferences are heading.

Marketing plan - Strategies that an organisation plans to use to reach its customers in a profitable way.

Observation - Gathering information about consumer preferences and behaviour by watching how they behave in situations.

People - The staff that interact with customers in the delivery of the service who can have a large impact on customer experience in receiving the service.

Physical environment - The space in which a service in received. This may be a hotel lobby, a branch of a bank or a hairdressing salon.

Place - The ways in which a business gets their product from manufacture to their customers

Price - The amount of money a customer pays for a businesses goods and services.

Pricing strategies - Penetration, skimming, competitor-based, cost-plus, loss leader, psychological.

Primary research - Collection of information first-hand for a specific purpose

Processes - The systems used to support the delivery of a service. Examples include queuing systems and payments systems.

Product - The good or service a business provides to customers in exchange for money.

Promotion - The methods a business uses to communicate with their customers.

Secondary research - Past research which has already been performed and often already published

Segmentation - Dividing up members of a target market into groups that share similar characteristics.

Social trends - Tendencies for people in societies to behave in certain ways.

Target market - Groups of customers with very similar needs to whom the company plans to sell its product.

USP - Any quality or feature of a product that distinguishes it from the competitors. Firms will frequently seek to emphasise this in their marketing.


C1 Primary Research