C2 Government Support and Non-Government Support

The government provides different types of support for entrepreneurs, and this support can come in various forms. Some examples of these initiatives are;

  • Enterprise libraries

  • Local enterprise partnerships (LEPs)

  • Enterprise zones.

Enterprise Library

Enterprise libraries, also called business support centers or resource centers, are places where entrepreneurs can go, either in person or online, to find important resources and information. These resources can be really helpful for people starting their own businesses.

Some examples of these resources are books about business, business planning templates, reports that provide information about different markets, databases that contain information about specific industries, computers that entrepreneurs can use, and guidance from experts who know a lot about business. The government often creates and pays for these libraries to make sure that entrepreneurs can easily get the knowledge and tools they need to start and make their businesses successful.

Local Enterprise Partnership (LEPs)

Local Enterprise Partnerships, also known as LEPs, are special partnerships between local governments and businesses that work together, with support from the government, to make the economy stronger and create more jobs in specific regions. LEPs bring together people from the government and private businesses to figure out the specific problems and opportunities in their local areas and find ways to deal with them.

LEPs can help entrepreneurs in different ways. They can give entrepreneurs opportunities to get funding, like grants or loans, which can be really useful for starting or growing their businesses. LEPs might also organize events where entrepreneurs can meet and connect with other business professionals and potential partners. They can offer training programs to help entrepreneurs learn important skills, and mentorship programs where experienced business people can give advice and guidance. By creating an environment that supports entrepreneurship, LEPs want to help the economy grow and make it easier for businesses to succeed.

Enterprise Zones

Enterprise zones are special areas that the government sets up to encourage businesses to come and boost the local economy. These zones offer incentives and support to attract businesses. Some of the benefits they provide are things like tax breaks, fewer regulations to follow, easier planning processes, and improvements in infrastructure like roads and utilities.

The goal of creating these zones is to build centers where entrepreneurship and innovation can thrive. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of the business-friendly environment, lower costs, and simplified administrative procedures offered in these zones. This can attract investment, promote collaboration among businesses, and give entrepreneurs opportunities to connect with others, form partnerships, and find talented people to work with.

It's important to remember that the specific resources and support available through enterprise libraries, LEPs, and enterprise zones can vary depending on the country and region. If entrepreneurs are interested in accessing these resources, they should reach out to their local government or economic development agencies to learn about the specific programs and services available in their area.


C1 Sources of Finance


C3 Competition and Competitive Advantage