A1 Decision Matrix

A decision matrix is a tool that can be used to narrow down lots of ideas into one final decision. It is usually laid out in a table with your options on one axis and criteria to judge the decisions on the other.

The first step is to generate some ideas of decision you might make. This may be which location to open a shop or a type of product you might make.

The second step is to select criteria to judge the options against. This may be how expensive it will be or how your own skills relate to that optio

The third step is allocate a score of importance to each criteria on a scale of 1 - 5.

The fourth step is to rate each choice in terms of each of your identified criteria on a scale of 1 - 5.

The fifth step is to multiple your rating for each choice by the rating for each criteria.

The sixth step is to add up all the scores for each option and choose the highest scoring option.


A1 Idea Generation for New Products


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