A3 Formats for Skills Audit Collection

Common formats for skills audit collection

  • Likert scale.

  • Semantic differential scale.

  • Observation.

  • Questionnaire.

  • Appraisal.

Likert Scale

A likert Scale is a method of collecting feedback on opinions on attitudes by asking respondents to rate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a statement.

Semantic Differential Scale

A semantic differential scale is used to establish a respondents attitude towards something by selecting response on a seven point scale between two polar opposite adjectives.


Observation is the process of observing somebody to complete a task with the intention of giving feedback. The observee can give the observer targets for them to look out for and feedback on strengths and areas for improvement.


Questionnaires are sets of written questions with optional answers completed by the respondent checking a box. They were traditionally printed and handed out or mailed in the post but are increasingly being sent out electronically due to developments in software such as Surveymonkey and Google Forms.


Appraisal is the process of setting targets and reviewing the extent to which they are met. It often involves a meeting to set targets before the event and a meeting to review them afterwards before setting new ones.


A2 Skills of an Events Organiser


Unit 4A Glossary