A2 Developing Effective Marketing Communications

A marketing communications strategy should be an ongoing process that is continually reviewed and adapted. Key stages in developing a marketing communications strategy include

Deciding on the communications objectives. Is the campaign to inform, persuade, differentiate or reassure? This may depend on a number of factors such as the stage in the product life cycle. At introduction the focus may be to inform but in maturity, the focus may be to remind. The level of competition in a market may dictate how important it is for a firm to put efforts into differentiation.

Identifying a target audience involves having a clear picture of the type of person that the marketing communications are aimed towards. This may include background, geographical location, behaviours and gender. A clearer picture of a target audience allows a firm to develop more focused marketing communications. One step of this process is to develop a customer profile which is a description of a fictional customer. A firm should decide whether they are going to target multiple markets or an undifferentiated market.

Designing a message. What do your customers need to know about your brand and your products? How can you communicate this without overwhelming them with too much information? What are the most appropriate platforms to deliver your communications to your customers? Is your brand image consistent across all of your communication media?

Receiving feedback and adapting. Measure the impact of marketing communications on consumer engagement. Have sales increased since you began your campaign? Are more people visiting your website? Are people engaging with your social media? Continue to use market research methods such as surveys, interviews and focus groups to gauge how appropriate the campaign is and adapt.


A1 The Purposes of Marketing Communications


A3 The importance of Integrated Marketing Communications