A1 Reasons for Recruiting New Staff

The growth of the business (locally, nationally or globally) is likely to create new positions in the organisation which creates a need for more staff.

Changes in the business environment such as the impact of AI and increasing flexibility in ways of working have led to changing job roles. This may require organisations to recruit staff with a better skill match for the new roles.

Systems change refers to a change in the processes and routines within a workplace. This could be as a result of introducing an automated accounting system where a manual one was used before. This may make the skills of existing staff obsolete and require people with more technical or managerial abilities.

Product development refers to the adaptations made to goods and services to best meet the needs of the target market. This may lead to different processes that require different skill sets.

Staff turnover refers to the rate at which employees leave the organisation. When a member of staff leaves, the organisation needs to decide whether and how they are to be replaced.

Internal promotions are when members of staff are given a job in a higher position in the organisation. This leads to a vacant position left behind.

When opening a new office or branch, a firm needs to recruit staff to work there.

Seasonal fluctuations in sales mean that the workload of staff in different departments changes at different times of the year. This leads to a need to recruit temporary staff during busy periods to ensure that demand can be met.


A1 Workforce Planning in a Large Business


A1 Using Job Centres and Agencies